Sunday, April 10, 2011

What is Affirmation in Leckieville?

I woke up not feeling the best but knowing I have so much on my plate that I have to temporarily not acknowledge what my body is saying because there is tons to be done.  Today, tomorrow, and so forth.  Since I have awoken, I have been in constant prayer.  I have days like these and I love them because I can feel God standing right here with me.  Obviously He has something to tell me today.  It might have been that He has been whispering it to me for some time and I have not been listening.  It might have been that I heard wrong. might be that there is no time to test my ability to hear softly so I need a "fast forward" on what He has to say.

I immediately start to prepare dinner in the crockpot.  Still praying.  At this moment, praying over our dinner.  Praying there is enough for everyone, that is nutritious for our family, and (weird I know) but praying that the food multiplies in the event that God invites guests to our house tonight.  LOL....I know, I said weird...but He has a way of throwing people into our lives that are so unexpected.  So, I prepare....

I start to pray for my family, our health, my children especially.  Constant conversation with God.  Not really knowing if He is talking back to me but I am definitely giving him an ear full of what's on my heart.  I pray this morning and many other times in the past that my children really know who God is.  They know what He can do for them and that they reach out to Him on a daily basis. Recently I have been praying that I am able to release my anger in what is going on in my world, Leckieville.  I smile when you see me but really inside I am so angry.  I project my anger quietly.  Mostly at God and sometimes physically making myself ill by allowing the stress, worry, and emotions take over my health.  Friends and family look at me as an example because I look on the outside to handle all of this craziness with such grace and peace.  That burden lies on my heart because at times I feel like a failure with these awesome opportunities to use my trials and shout out my testimony.  My mind tells me that I am some what two-faced for being so positive on the outside and so angry on the inside. shouts out to me....a different story!

I am just about to finish cutting my last carrot for the crockpot.  By now I have laundry going, I have drank my cup of coffee, started cleaning the kitchen and been in prayer for nearly 2 hours.  Channer awakens.  So peaceful this morning....very unusual for him.  He is normally a train running on high speed in the mornings from the minute he puts his feet on the ground.  I feel his arm reach around my back and he says "Good Morning Mom".  I return the hug and love and remind him that it is time to start his morning therapy.  No argument....SURPRISING!  He buckles into his Vest and proceeds to take all the necessary steps for therapy.  But while doing this, he calmly looks up at me.  When Channer does this.....(anything so calm and peaceful), I get butterflies.  This calm look.....I have seen before.  I know what is coming.  He speaks.  

This time he tells me a story of something that happened at school.  He rarely shares events with me...either out of lack of interest or just can't remember.  This story goes like this...

"Mom, there is this boy at school.  He has some real anger issues.  He came to me and asked "Hey Channer, how can I help myself not feel this you know?"  Channer says....Do you know God?  The boy says, "No, I don't".  Instead of making things complicated, Channer shows him how to fold his hands together.  He says bring them close to your heart and bow your head.  "When you pray to God, tell him all your problems, He listens".  "He takes away your fears and he can take away your anger too."

"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me." (Revelation 3:20)


the act or an instance of affirming;  state of being affirmed.
the assertion that something exists or is true.
something that is affirmed;  a statement or proposition that is declared to be true.
confirmation or ratification of the truth or validity of a prior judgment, decision, etc.


  1. Amazing, amazing story! Thank you for sharing and also reminding me that its my turn to talk to HIM.

  2. For such is the kingdom of God. And a child shall lead them! We can learn so much from children. They are so close to the Lord. I remember when my oldest son woke me up during the night and insisted on having a prayer. This was also during a time when I was wondering if anything was "sinking in". So go forth with faith Carolyn - the Lord is aware - He knows each of us personally. All will work out - we need to do our best and He will handle the rest.

  3. Wow! I have chills just reading this! What a wonderful example of being a light for Christ! If you ever think you are not doing a good job as a parent, remember this moment. You have done the best thing you can do by raising your children to know Christ. May God continue to bless your family.
